HOLIDAY NOTE: Our shop is now softly-closed until January. No orders are shipping that are placed after Monday Dec. 16th. Thank you for understanding! SHOP NOTE: We ship every 2-to-4 weeks in order to batch orders for sustainable labor. We are in a slow-down and in some cases this might take a touch longer. For faster fulfillment please order from Printed Matter. Thank you for understanding!
Sorry, the sale is now over! Try us again next semester!
Welcome to...
Its Bbbback-2-School season, meaning, you guessed it, you need TXTbooks now more than ever.
And, yeah, we got you covered.
Two packs of fresh TXTbooks for all your business and math needs. It's study time, freaks.
Here's an explainer:
Click one of the below buttons for a pile of discount books!
It's time to kick back study up(tm)!
Crying In The Sun, Francesca DeMusz
Accidentally Sneezing, Logan Fitzpatrick
Whoa Fuck Maaaan, Mike Devine
Businessman, Kurt Woerpel
Top Scrt, Robert Blair
Highest Spheres, Linda Hang (FIST)
Dream Journal, Nichole Shinn
Paso, Anibal Bley
Clubhouse: NY Edition (Group Comic)
12 House, Paige Mehrer
X-Tra Dolls, Philippa Schmitt
Flower Girls, Nichole Shinn
Sorry, the sale is now over! Try us again next semester!